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TCE 130 problem

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Registriert: 5. Dez 2010, 10:40
Scenicmodell: Grand Scenic
Kurzbeschreibung: Grand Scenic 1,4 TCe + LPG instalation
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TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von Nejko »


I have Grand SCenic 1,4TCe which is loosing power when its cold. Especially on cold mornings, between 1800 and 2300 rpm the car loses power.

Is here someone with a similar problem?

and afterall at the Renault servise station they do not know what cause the loss of power.

I have LPG instalation in car, but on LPG car works OK.

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Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von Webboy4 »


ich habe auch LPG, habe aber bisher keine Probleme.
Haben Sie Ventilschutz eingebaut? Wie viele Kilometer sind sie bisher gefahren?

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Registriert: 5. Dez 2010, 10:40
Scenicmodell: Grand Scenic
Kurzbeschreibung: Grand Scenic 1,4 TCe + LPG instalation
Ausstattung: Privilege
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Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von Nejko »

Yes, I have flash lube build in...but I't was because I insited to build. My LPG mechanic said, that I don't need it. So I have sistem flash lube insisde but now I drive without flash-lube oil, because in Renault garage said that may flash-lube couse the problem with loosing power.

I have abouth 13000km on LPG... and when I went last week on motorway and push my car in high rpm, also the the problem with loosing power disappeared.
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Regelmässiger Fahrer im Forum
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Scenicmodell: Grand Scenic
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Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von Webboy4 »

ich nutze auf Anraten meines Mechanikers P1000 LONGLIFE von www.fahrmitgas.de . Renault konnte oder wollte mir nicht sagen, ob der TCe130 für den Betrieb mit Gas geeignet ist.
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Neues Forumsmitglied
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Scenicmodell: Grand Scenic
Kurzbeschreibung: Grand Scenic 1,4 TCe + LPG instalation
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Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von Nejko »

I agree. They (Renault Grage) said to me, that is not appropriate to build LPG in TCE 130 motor....but on the other hand Renault SLovenia (I come from Sloevnia) prefer Landirenzo to build in and allso they live you full waranty if you build in that LPG sistem.

Thanks for link.
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Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von AHK »

So if I summarize your Problem correctly:

a) It only appears in "benzin mode"
b) It only appears when the motor is cold
c) It only appears in the range between 1800-2330rpm (which is actually the range where the turbo starts working)

The point that confuses me is that on the one side you say the problem happens only when the motor is cold but on the other side you say on LPG it works fine. Typically you can NOT switch to LPG until the Motor has reached operating temperature. My conclusion is that you have the problem in the "benzin" Phase only while the motor is warming up.

Does the problem still appear when you switch back to "benzin mode" after you have driven some time on LPG (e.g. more than 15 Minutes) and the motor is on full operating temperature ?

And- what is the behaviour when you accellerate beyond 2300 rpm while you are in "problem mode"?
Do you feel "full power" or does the engine still feel "restricted"?

I do not think that the LPG system is the primary source of trouble but you need to describe the problem "conditions" more exactly.
Neues Forumsmitglied
Neues Forumsmitglied
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 5. Dez 2010, 10:40
Scenicmodell: Grand Scenic
Kurzbeschreibung: Grand Scenic 1,4 TCe + LPG instalation
Ausstattung: Privilege
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Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von Nejko »

AHK hat geschrieben:My conclusion is that you have the problem in the "benzin" Phase only while the motor is warming up.

Thant's correct.

AHK hat geschrieben:Does the problem still appear when you switch back to "benzin mode" after you have driven some time on LPG (e.g. more than 15 Minutes) and the motor is on full operating temperature ?

NO...when the car is warm it work perfectly on benz or LPG

AHK hat geschrieben:And- what is the behaviour when you accellerate beyond 2300 rpm while you are in "problem mode"?
Do you feel "full power" or does the engine still feel "restricted"?

I feel "full power" till 2000rpm...then the car start loosing power, but when I come over 2800-3000 it works OK.

AHK hat geschrieben:I do not think that the LPG system is the primary source of trouble but you need to describe the problem "conditions" more exactly.

I also think that...but in Renault Garage they have no idea what else would couse my troubles.
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Regelmässiger Fahrer im Forum
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Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von AHK »

Sounds like if there were something wrong with the pneumatic mechanism that changes the turbo rail geometry in that rpm range at low temperatures. It might be also some bad fixing or a hole at the turbo hose or a bad working waste valve.

Also there might be a problem within the choke system. Changing the throttle flap housing/subsystem would be the logical next step once it is verified that everything with the turbo system is ok.

My personal best guess is the pneumatic turbo geometry displacement system being stuck in the "high rpm mode".
However remote diagnosis at this levelof information is always a look into the crystal bowl.

Good Luck!
Neues Forumsmitglied
Neues Forumsmitglied
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 5. Dez 2010, 10:40
Scenicmodell: Grand Scenic
Kurzbeschreibung: Grand Scenic 1,4 TCe + LPG instalation
Ausstattung: Privilege
Hat sich bedankt: 0
Danksagung erhalten: 0

Re: TCE 130 problem

Beitrag von Nejko »

I'll find other renault service and show them what you have written.

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